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Interzero launches Circular Academy in Germany

Köln/Berlin. Tthout the right expertise, there can be no circular economy. With this in mind, Europe’s leading provider of circular solutions has now launched its Interzero Academy in Germany. This ne

Interzero goes online with WEEE portal

Berlin/Köln. Europe's leading provider of circular solutions Interzero, has developed a Waste Electrical and Electronic Equipment (WEEE) portal based on the experience in the take-back of WEEE, which

A world without waste – building bridges between Europe and Asia

Dr. Axel Schweitzer , Chairman and Shareholder of Interzero and ALBA Group Asia, attended the Asia-Pacific Conference of German Business in Singapore. These are his thoughts, which can also be read on

Construction of the largest recycling plant for food-grade PET/HDPE plastic in Vietnam

­ALBA Group Asia, a provider of waste management and recycling solutions in the region, and VietCycle, a nationally established waste collection and plastics recycling company in Vietnam, announced la

New plastics recycling plant helps Indonesia prevent ocean-bound plastics

“The ground-breaking ceremony of PT ALBA Tridi Plastics Recycling Indonesia’s (AATPRI)new facility represents a significant step forward for Indonesia towards its near-zero plastic pollution target by

Interzero and Resourcify digitize Europe’s leading waste management network

Hamburg/Cologne/Berlin. Today, the leading digital waste management and recycling platform, Resourcify, and Interzero, Europe's leading recycling service provider, announced their new comprehensive pa

Interzero goes "ALL IN" with its customers: with passion for circular economy and climate protection

Berlin/Cologne. 100 per cent for a world without waste: With its latest sustainability reporting, Interzero illustrates the contribution its innovative closed-loop systems and recycling solutions make

A strong team for protecting the planet: Interzero and its customers push back Earth Overshoot by 7 minutes and 16 seconds

Berlin/Cologne. Recycling instead of resource ravaging: the power of the closed-cycle management of recyclables to counter this chronic burden on the planet is shown by recent calculations made for In

Joint venture of Interzero and GlobeCom allows companies high revenues for their used servers

Berlin/Cologne/Aalborg. Starting on May 1, 2023, the joint venture Interzero Tech Cycle GmbH (ITC) will offer companies the opportunity to resell their decommissioned server and network technology in

Interzero provides answers on plastics recycling and recycling-optimised packaging

Berlin/Cologne. A truly sustainable circular economy can only be achieved by disseminating the knowledge needed to achieve it. That is why Interzero, the leading provider of circular solutions in Euro



The online magazine on recycling and the circular economy